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Frequently Asked Questions

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What is coaching?

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Can I book an Intake Session?

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What are your fees?

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What is Executive Function Coaching?

Executive Function Coaching is for anyone who struggles with their executive functioning. Developing your Executive Functions unlocks the door to obtaining success in the areas of interpersonal relationships, academic and professional success and even maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle!  If you have been diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, Autism, TBI, NVLD or even anxiety and depression, coaching can help provide you the support you need and provide the key to perform at your highest level at school, work and in your personal life.


That said, you don't need to have a diagnosis to benefit. We all struggle with Executive Functioning from time to time. Whether you need ongoing support staying organized and proactively managing your assignments during your academic semester, need new strategies to study or manage your time, are needing help tackling that big project you've been procrastinating, are struggling with developing and maintaining interpersonal relationships or even want to learn how to develop skills to loose weight and improve your physical health, Executive Function Coaching will help!


Executive Functions: 


  • Self-Control

  • Self-Monitoring

  • Emotional Control

  • Cognitive Flexibility

  • Task Initiation

  • Organization

  • Working Memory

  • Planning & Time Management

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