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With two decades of professional

application and education in a broad range of Psychology and Applied Behavioral Science approaches, from Child and Human Development to Industrial and Organizational Psych, allow me to provide you my 1:1 insight, expertise and guidance to help you to define and achieve your goals.

About Jennifer

After graduating from the University of Kansas with a B.A. in Psychology, Jennifer served in the Work Comp field for well over a decade as both Consultant in the fast-paced financial services industry and as a Safety Leader for children’s social service agencies and psychiatric hospitals. In those roles she compassionately walked beside individuals as they both overcame financial set-back and life changing permanent physical injury and has guided organizations to define and achieve their safety goals.

Nothing, however, provides Jennifer the immense satisfaction of working one on one with eager minds, ready to take on challenges. To that end, she has worked with youth in foster care and helped develop mentoring programs for youth transitioning out of foster care into young adulthood. Jennifer has also dedicated many years to psychology research including a Teen Experiences Lab, Psycholinguistics and also worked directly with children and families for a large NIH grant investigating preschoolers and intergenerational trauma to better understand physiological impacts of trauma. She has a deep interest in helping to unravel the links between trauma and the development of compromised executive functioning and other physiological conditions.

Currently, Jennifer works in her dream role as an Executive Function Coach.  Her experience includes assisting both youth and adults on the Autism Spectrum, with ADHD, NVLD, OCD, TBI, brain tumor, anxiety and depression to help reframe their experiences, identify their values and strengths to develop the intrinsic motivation required to set goals and put in the work to achieve them.

In her spare time, Jennifer can be found playing Ticket to Ride with her family, writing poetry, reading sci-fi, social science or hard science nonfiction and lives to dance to live music, especially anything lo-fi jazzy.  She is an enthusiast for knowledge integration and loves finding analogies that can carry over from one seemingly unrelated field to another.




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